Мемориал Победа 79 // List of the stations // RP79GY

Gorod Voinskoy Slavy Groznyy

Stavropolskiy kray

QSL via R7HG

Photos and historical info.
Attention! Information below is provided by special event station operator and published AS IS.

In July—August 1942, the fighting for the North Caucasus began. The German Army group "South" was divided into two wings "A" and "B". The aim of the "B" group was to capture the Grozny and Baku oil fields. Having met fierce resistance from the militia and the troops of the Soviet Army, the Germans realized that they would not be able to achieve this goal. In the period from October 10 to October 15, 1942, attacks were carried out on the main oil producing and refining enterprises of Grozny, fires began. Thanks to the efforts of the Grozny firefighters, the fire was extinguished in a few days. On January 1, 1943, a massive counteroffensive by Soviet troops and the liberation of the North Caucasus began.