Мемориал Победа 79 // List of the stations // RP79WF

Moryakam Volzhskoy Voennoy Flotilii

Astrahanskaya oblast


Photos and historical info.
Attention! Information below is provided by special event station operator and published AS IS.

The Voljskaya military fleet was established on 23 rd October 1941 being based on the educational detachment.

The Volga being the largest European river was the important transport arterial road of the national importance and the strategical water communication line of the Soviet frontiers which solved the end of the battles with Jerman-Faschist troops in 1941-1943 years. That`s why the main purpose of the fleet was ensuring transportations. What is more the fleet contributed the land forces, ensured navigation safety repulsing aviation attacks of the enemy by the zenithal battery and the fleet convoyed transport vessels with the help of the fighting boats and swept mines.

Marshal of the Soviet Union V.I. Chuikov was the commander of the 62 nd Army which fought in the isolated town from the dry land, wrote later: “I`d like to say briefly about the rolr of the fleet sailors and their heroic deeds that if they hand`t been, the 62 nd Army could be lost without ammunition, provisions and it failed to carry out the purpose”.

The Voljskaya military fleet carried out the duty in rendiny a great help to the Soviet Army units in the heroic fight for Stalingrad and then in the battle of Kurskaya Duga.

The Voljskaya military fleet was broken up on 30 th June 1944.